
1. Christianson, S.Å. (1984). Amnesia and Emotional Arousal. (Doctoral dissertation), University of Umeå, Umeå, Sweden.

2. Christianson, S.Å. (Ed.) (1992). Handbook of emotion and memory: Research and theory. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

3. Christianson, S.Å. (1994, 1996, 2002, 2009). Traumatiska minnen [Traumatic memories]. Borås: Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur. (In Swedish) (Danish edition published by Hans Reitzels Forlag 1997)

4. Christianson, S.Å. (Ed.) (1996). Rättspsykologi [Forensic psychology]. Borås: Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur. (In Swedish)

5. Christianson, S.Å., & Wentz, G. (1996, 2002). Brott och minne [Crime and memory]. Borås: Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur. (In Swedish)

6. Christianson, S.Å., Engelberg, E., & Holmberg, U. (1998). Avancerad förhörs- och intervjumetodik [Advanced interrogation and interviewing technique]. Borås: Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur. (In Swedish)

7. Christianson, S.Å., & Granhag, P.-A. (Eds.) (2004). Polispsykologi [Police psychology]. Stockholm: Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur. (In Swedish)

8. Christianson, S.Å. (Ed.) (2007). Offenders’ memories of violent crimes. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

9. Granhag, P.-A., & Christianson, S.Å. (Eds.) (2008). Handbok i rättspsykologi [Handbook in legal psychology]. Stockholm: Liber. (In Swedish).

10. Christianson, S.Å. (2010). I huvudet på en seriemördare [Inside the head of a serial killer]. Stockholm: Norstedts. (In Swedish)

11. Christianson, S.Å., & Ehrencrona, M. (2011). Psykologi och bevisvärdering. [Psychology and evaluation of evidence.] Norstedts Juridik. (In Swedish)

12. Rogland, U., & Christianson, S.Å. (2012). ”Jag kände mig speciell” – Grooming på nätet. Falun: Kalla Kulor förlag.

Artiklar och kapitel

1. Christianson, S.Å. (1984). The relationship between induced emotional arousal and amnesia. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 25, 147-160.

2. Christianson, S.Å., & Nilsson, L.-G. (1984). Functional amnesia as induced by a psychological trauma. Memory and Cognition, 25, 142-155.

3. Nilsson, L.-G., Christianson, S.Å., Silfvenius, M., & Blom, S. (1984). Pre- and postoperative memory testing of epileptic patients. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 69, (Suppl. 99), 43-56.

4. Silfvenius, M., Blom, S., Nilsson, L.-G., & Christianson, S.Å. (1984). Observations on verbal, pictorial, and stereognostic memory in epileptic patients during intracarotid Amytal testing. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 69, (Suppl. 99), 56-75.

5. Christianson, S.Å., Fällman, L., & Nilsson, L.-G. (1985). Memory of central and peripheral information in emotional events. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 23, 288.

6. Christianson, S.Å., & Mjörndal, T. (1985). Adrenalin, emotional arousal and memory. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 26, 237-248.

7. Christianson, S.Å. (1986). Effects of positive emotional events on memory. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 27, 289-301.

8. Christianson, S.Å., Nilsson, L.-G., Mjörndal, T., Perris, C., & Tjelldén, G. (1986). Psychological versus physiological determinants of emotional arousal and its relationship to laboratory induced amnesia. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 27, 302-312.

9. Christianson, S.Å. (1987). Emotional and autonomic responses to visual traumatic stimuli. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 28, 83-87.

10. Christianson, S.Å. (1987). Single-case studier av minnesfunktion efter traumatisk hjärnskada. Ingår i K. A. Fugl-Meyer (Red.), Biologiska, psykologiska och sociala konsekvenser av hjärnskador före seniet. Stockholm: FRN.

11. Christianson, S.Å., & Loftus, E.F. (1987). Memory for traumatic events. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 1, 225-239.

12. Christianson, S.Å., Loftus, E.F., & Nilsson, L.-G. (1987). Memory for emotional events. Bulletin of the, Psychonomic Society, 25, 414.

13. Christianson, S.Å., Nilsson, L.-G., & Silfvenius, H. (1987). Initial memory deficits and subsequent recovery in two cases of head trauma. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 28, 267-280.

14. Christianson, S.Å., Silfvenius, H., & Nilsson, L.-G. (1987). Hemispheric memory of concrete and abstract verbal and pictorial information as determined by amobarbital test. Epilepsy Research, 1, 185-193.

15. Lindahl, O., Bäcklund, T., Christianson, S.Å., Nilsson, L.-G., & Silfvenius, H. (1988). An improved optical eye movement detector for visual half-field studies of cerebral hemisphere memory. Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 12, 106-111.

16. Nilsson, L.-G., Christianson, S.Å., & Silfvenius, H. (1988). The accuracy of the dichotic, the visual half-field and the intracarotid sodium amytal memory tests in preoperative neuropsychological investigation of epileptic patients. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 78 (Suppl. 117), 73-78.

17. Silfvenius, H., Christianson, S.Å., Nilsson, L.-G., & Säisä, J. (1988). Preoperative investigation of cerebral hemisphere speech and memory with the bilateral intracarotid amytal test. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 78 (Suppl. 117), 79-82.

18. Christianson, S.Å. (1989). Flashbulb memories: Special, but not so special. Memory and Cognition, 17, 435-443.

19. Christianson, S.Å., Loftus, E.F., Loftus, G.R., & Hoffman, H. (1989). Remembering emotional events: Differential attention versus special mechanism. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 27, 499.

20. Christianson, S.Å., & Nilsson, L.-G. (1989). Hysterical amnesia: A case of aversively motivated isolation of memory. In T. Archer, & L.-G. Nilsson (Eds.), Aversion, avoidance, and anxiety: Perspectives on aversively motivated behavior (pp. 289-310). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

21. Christianson, S.Å., Nilsson, L.-G., & Silfvenius, H. (1989). Pre- and postoperative memory of dichotically presented words in patients with complex partial seizures. Neuropsychologia, 27, 427-436.

22. Loftus, E.F., & Christianson, S.Å. (1989). Malleability of memory for emotional events. In T. Archer, & L.-G. Nilsson (Eds.), Aversion, avoidance, and anxiety: Perspectives on aversively motivated behavior (pp. 311-322). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Associates.

23. Christianson, S.Å. (1990). Vad minns vi av en fasansfull händelse? Forskning och Framsteg, 744-1, 14-19.

24. Christianson, S.Å. (1990). Vad minns vi av en skräckupplevelse? Aktuell Säkerhet, 10, (4), 42-47.

25. Christianson, S.Å., & Fällman. (1990). The role of age on reactivity and memory for emotional pictures. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 31, 291-301.

26. Christianson, S.Å., Goodman, J., & Loftus, E.F. (1990). Eyewitness testimony. In M.W. Eysenck (Ed.). The Dictionary of Cognitive Psychology (pp. 142-144). Oxford: Basil Blackwell Inc.

27. Christianson, S.Å., Heijbel, J., Olivecrona, M., Silfvenius, H., Säisä, J. Zetterlund, B., Hedström, A., Nordborg, C., Horneman, G., Karlsson, G., Rydenhag, B., Sourander, P., & Uvebrant, P. (1990). Procedures in pediatric epilepsy surgery. In B. Pedersen & M. Dam (Eds.), Proc Northern European Epilepsy Symp. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 82, (Suppl 133), 19.

28. Christianson, S.Å., & Loftus, E.F. (1990). Some characteristics of peoples’ traumatic memories. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 28, 195-198.

29. Christianson, S.Å., Säisä, J., & Silfvenius, H. (1990). Hemisphere memory differences in Sodium Amytal testing of epileptic patients. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 12, 681-694.

30. Säisä, J., Silfvenius, H., & Christianson, S.Å. (1990). Visual half-field testing for defining cerebral hemisphere speech laterality. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 82, 346-349.

31. Christianson, S.Å. (1991). ”Cerebral dominans”. Nationalencyklopedin, 4:e bandet, s. 60. Höganäs: Bra Böcker.

32. Christianson, S.Å., Lidberg, L., & Thorell, L.-H. (1991). Våldsbenägna personers och psykopaters känslo- och minnesupplevelser av emotionella händelser. Interimrapport, Brottsförebyggande Rådet.

33. Christianson, S.Å., & Loftus, E.F. (1991). Remembering emotional events: The fate of detailed information. Cognition & Emotion, 5, 81-108.

34. Christianson, S.Å., Loftus, E.F., Hoffman, H., & Loftus, G.R. (1991). Eye fixations and memory of emotional events. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 17, 693-701.

35. Christianson, S.Å., Säisä, J., Nilsson, L.-G., & Silfvenius, H. (1991). Memory in epileptic patients with temporal lobe lesions: Preoperative evaluation by means of visual half-field testing. Reports from the Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, No. 741.

36. Asbjørnsen, A., Hugdahl, K., Christianson, S.Å., & Säisä, J., & Lyytinen, H. (1991). Effects of training and biased attention on dichotic listening in children. Reports from the Department of Psychology, Stockholm University, No 735.

37. Christianson, S.Å. (1992). Emotional stress and eyewitness memory: A critical review. Psychological Bulletin, 112, 284-309.

38. Christianson, S.Å. (1992). Preface. In S.Å Christianson (Ed.) Handbook of emotion and memory: Research and theory (pp. xiii-xix). Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

39. Christianson, S.Å. (1992). Remembering emotional events: Potential mechanisms. In S.Å Christianson (Ed.) Handbook of emotion and memory: Research and theory (pp. 397-340). Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

40. Christianson, S.Å. (1992). Do flashbulb memories differ from other types of emotional memories? In E. Winograd & U. Neisser (Eds.) Affect and accuracy in recall: Studies of “flashbulb” memories (pp191-211). New York: Cambridge University Press.

41. Christianson, S.Å. (1992). Emotional memories in laboratory studies versus real-life studies: Do they compare? In M.A. Conway, D. Rubin, H. Spinnler, & W. Wagenaar (Eds.), Theoretical perspectives on autobiographical memory. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

42. Christianson, S.Å. (1992). Psykologisk expertis i rättssalarna — Får vi bättre domstolsbeslut? Svensk Juristtidning, 4, 312-333.

43. Christianson, S.Å., Goodman, J., & Loftus, E.F. (1992). Eyewitness memory for stressful events: Methodological quandaries and ethical dilemmas. In S.Å. Christianson (Ed.) Handbook of emotion and memory: Research and theory (pp. 217-241). Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

44. Christianson, S.Å., Nilsson, L.-G., Säisä, J., & Silfvenius, H. (1992). Visual half-field testing of memory functions in patients considered for surgical treatment of intractable complex partial epilepsy. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 86, 545-554.

45. Christianson, S.Å., Safer, M., Autry, M.W., & Österlund, K. (1992). Narrowing of attention and recognition of emotionally arousing scenes. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 30, 472.

46. Christianson, S.Å., Säisä, J., Hugdahl, K., & Asbjørnsen, A. (1992). Hemisphere asymmetry effects in children studied by dichotic listening and visual half-field testing. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 33, 238-246.

47. Christianson, S.Å. (1993). Spännande läsning om vittnens trovärdighet. Psykologtidningen, 39, 16-17.

48. Christianson, S.Å. (1993). “Konstruerad polarisering”. Psykologtidningen, 39, 18.

49. Christianson, S.Å., & Hübinette, B. (1993). Hands up! A study of witnesses’ emotional reactions and memories associated with bank robberies. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 7, 365-379.

50. Christianson, S.Å., Säisä, J. Garvill, J., & Silfvenius, H. (1993). Hemisphere inactivation and mood-state changes. Brain and Cognition, 23, 127-144.

51. Christianson, S.Å. & Wentz, G. (1993). ”Brottsbekämpningens u-land”. Dagens Nyheter, A 4, Debatt, 21 mars.

52. Christianson, S.Å. & Wentz, G. (1993). Rånoffers minnesbild korrekt och detaljerad ett år efter brottet! Aktuell Säkerhet, 13(4), 52-54.

53. Berndtsson, J., & Christianson, S.Å. (1993). Memory for circumstances surrounding an emotional personal event versus an emotional laboratory event. Reports from the Department of Psychology, University of Stockholm, No 771.

54. Christianson, S.Å. (1994). Comments on neuropsychological evaluation of epilepsy surgery: Are the tests sensitive enough? Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 78 (Suppl. 152), 204-209.

55. Christianson, S.Å. (1994). “Brist på kompetens hos många vittnespsykologer.” Svenska Dagbladet, s. 4, Brännpunkt, 13 maj.

56. Christianson, S.Å. (1994). “Hur minnet fungerar.” Svenska Epilepsia, 24, 20-21.

57. Christianson, S.Å., Neppe, V., Hoffman, H. (1994). Amnesia and vegetative abnormalities after irradiation treatment: A case study. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 90, 360-366.

58. Lamb, M.E. (et al.) (Christianon, S.Å. co-author). (1994). The investigation of child sexual abuse: An interdisciplinary consensus statement. Expert Evidence, 2, 151-156.

59. Lindgren, M., & Christianson, S.Å. (1994). Relationen mellan polis och brottsoffer i Stockholms polismyndighet. PHS Rapport 1994:2, Polishögskolan.

60. Christianson, S.Å., Karlsson, I., & Persson, L.G.W. (1995). Poliser som iakttagare: Effekter av initial träning och senare yrkeserfarenhet. PHS Rapport 1995:2, Polishögskolan.

61. Christianson, S.Å., & Lindholm, T. (1995). L`impact de trauma psychologique a` mémoire de témoin. (The impact of psychological trauma on eyewitness memory.) Psychologie Francaise, 40, 223-233.

62. Christianson, S.Å., Säisä, J., & Silfvenius, H. (1995). The right hemisphere recognizes the bad guys. Cognition & Emotion, 9, 309-324.

63. Christianson, S.Å., Silfvenius, H., Säisä, J., & Nilsson, M. (1995). Life satisfaction and sexuality in patients operated for epilepsy. Acta Neurologica Scandinavica, 92, 1-6.

64. Christianson, S.Å., Säisä, J., & Silfvenius, H.(1995). Life satisfaction and the sexual drive in operated and non-operated patients with epilepsy. Epilepsy, 46, Suppl. 3, 180.

65. Lindholm, T., & Christianson, S.Å. (1995). Vittnesmål och våldsbrott: Effekter av etnisk grupptillhörighet hos vittne, offer och gärningsman. PHS Rapport 1995:1, Polishögskolan.

66. Silfvenius, H., Lindholm, Säisä, J., Olivecrona, M., Uvebrandt, P., & Christianson, S.Å. (1995). Costs of and savings from pediatric epilepsy surgery: A Swedish study (pp. 83-105). In R.G. Beran and Ch. Pachlato (Eds.) Cost of epilepsy. Wehr/Baden: Ciba Geigy Verlag.

67. Silfvenius, H., Olivecrona, M., Säisä, J., & Christianson, S.Å. (1995). Socioeconomic aspects of adults operated on for epilepsy. Epilepsy, 46, Suppl. 3, 178.

68. Christianson, S.Å. (1996). Redaktörens inledning. Ingår i S.Å. Christianson (Red.), Rättspsykologi, (ss. 15-20). Stockholm: Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur.

69. Christianson, S.Å. (1996). Våldsbrott och vittnesmål: Minnesteoretiska aspekter. Ingår i S.Å. Christianson (Red.), Rättspsykologi, (ss. 136-169). Stockholm: Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur.

70. Christianson, S.Å. (1996). Forensic psychology: The relationship between research and practice. News from EFPPA, 10, 7-9.

71. Christianson, S.Å. (1996). Känslo- och minnesupplevelser av sexualbrott. Vad ska vi göra med sexualbrottslingarna? (ss. 10-11). Dokumentation från rikskonferensen 26-27 november i Växjö. Landstinget Kronoberg. Ljungby Grafiska.

72. Christianson, S.Å. (1996). ”Vittneskonfrontation”. Nationalencyklopedin, 19:e bandet, s. 60. Höganäs: Bra Böcker.

73. Christianson, S.Å. (1996). ”Vittnespsykologi”. Nationalencyklopedin, 19:e bandet, s. 60. Höganäs: Bra Böcker.

74. Christianson, S.Å., Forth, A., Strachan, K., Hare, R.D., Lidberg, L., & Thorell, L.-H. (1996). Remembering details of emotional events: A comparison between psychopathic and nonpsychopathic offenders. Personality and Individual Differences, 20, 437-443.

75. Christianson, S.Å., & Safer, M.A. (1996). Emotional events and emotions in autobiographical memories. In D.C. Rubin (Ed.), Remembering our past: Studies in autobiographical memory (pp. 218-243). Cambridge University Press.

76. Juslin, P., Lindholm, T., & Christianson, S.Å. (1996). Vittneskonfrontationer. Ingår i S.Å. Christianson (Red.), Rättspsykologi (ss. 170-194). Stockholm: Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur.

77. Lundblad, S. & Christianson, S.Å. (1996). Att bemöta våldsbenägna personer. Ingår i S.Å. Christianson (Red.), Rättspsykologi (ss. 298-314). Stockholm: Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur.

78. Silfvenius, H., Säisä, J., Olivecrona, M., & Christianson, S.Å. (1996). Employment and income after epilepsy surgery: A Swedish study. In C. Pachlatko (Ed.), Economic evaluation of epilepsy (pp. 73-89). London: Libbey.

79. Silfvenius, H., Säisä, J., Olivecrona, M., Lindholm, L., & Christianson, S.Å. (1996). Health economical aspects of paediatric epilepsy surgery. In C. Pachlatko (Ed.), Economic evaluation of epilepsy (pp. 26-29). London: Libbey.

80. Christianson, S.Å. (1997). On emotional stress and memory: We need to recognize threatening situations and we need to “forget” unpleasant experiences. In David G. Payne & Frederick G. Conrad (Eds.), Intersections in basic and applied memory research (pp.133-156). Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

81. Christianson, S.Å. (1997). On emotional stress and memory: We need to recognize threatening situations and we need to “forget” unpleasant experiences. In Luis Greuel, Thomas Fabian & Michael Stadler (Eds.), Psychologie der Zeugenaussage: Ergebnisse der rechtspsychologischen forschung (pp. 33-46). Weinheim: Psychologie Verlags Union.

82. Christianson, S.Å., & Engelberg, E. (1997). Remembering and forgetting traumatic events: A matter of survival. In Martin A. Conway (Ed.), Recovered memories and false memories (pp. 231-250). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

83. Christianson, S.Å., & Engelberg, E. (1997). Minnen av traumatiska upplevelser. Läkartidningen, 1721-1724.

84. Bylin, S., & Christianson, S.Å. (1997). Skillnaden mellan genuin och simulerad glömska i samband med brott. PHS Rapport 1997:5 Polishögskolan.

85. Lindholm, T., Christianson, S.Å., & Karlsson, I. (1997). Police officers and civilians as witnesses: Intergroup biases and memory performance. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 11, 431-444.

86. Silfvenius, H., Fagerlund, M., Säisä, J., Olivecrona, M., & Christianson, S.Å. (1997). Carotid angiography in conjunction with amytal testing of epilepsy patients. Brain and Cognition, 33, 33-49.

87. Christianson, S.Å., Karlsson, I., & Persson, L.G.W. (1998). Police personnel as eyewitnesses to a violent crime. Legal and Criminological, Psychology, 3, 59-72.

88. Christianson, S.Å., & Lindholm, T. (1998). On the fate of traumatic memories in childhood and adulthood. Development and Psychopathology, 10, 761-780.

89. Lindholm, T., & Christianson, S.Å. (1998a). Intergroup biases and eyewitness testimony. Journal of Social Psychology, 138, 710-723.

90. Lindholm, T., & Christianson, S.Å. (1998b). Gender effects in eyewitness accounts of a violent crime. Psychology, Crime & Law, 4, 323-339.

91. Safer, M., Christianson, S.Å., Autry, M., & Österlund, K. (1998). Tunnel memory for traumatic events. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 12, 99-117.

92. Christianson, S.Å. (1999). Kommentar till Lennart Sjöberg. Juridisk Tidskrift, s. 1056.

93. Christianson, S.Å., & Bylin, S. (1999). Does simulating amnesia mediate genuine forgetting for a crime event?. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 13, 495-511.

94. Christianson, S.Å., & Engelberg, E. (1999). Memory and emotional consistency: The MS Estonia ferry disaster. Memory, 7, 471-482.

95. Christianson, S.Å., & Engelberg, E. (1999). Memory for emotional events. In T. Dalgleish & M. Power (Eds.), The handbook of cognition and emotion (pp. 211-228). Chichester: Wiley.

96. Christianson, S.Å., Holmberg, U., & Granhag, P.A. (1999). ”Dumheten styr inom svensk polis”. Dagens Nyheter, A 2, DN Debatt, 15 november.

97. Fällman, J., & Christianson, S.Å. (1999). Kvinnor som dömts för sexualbrott mot barn: Brottens omfattning och karaktär. Rapport från Psykologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet, No. 103.

98. Karlsson, I., & Christianson, S.Å. (1999). Polisers minnen av traumatiska upplevelser i tjänsten. PHS Rapport 1999:4 Polishögskolan.

99. Engelberg, E., & Christianson, S.Å. (2000). Recall of unpleasant emotion using memory-enhancing principles. Psychology, Crime & Law, 6, 99-112.

100. Christianson, S.Å. (2000). Vad minns man av traumatiska händelser? Ingår i Kan oförklarligt våld förklaras? (s 41-50), Rättsmedicinalverket, Information 2. Norstedts Tryckeri.

101. Christianson, S.Å. (2001). Därför erkänner Pettersson ibland. Expressen, Sidan 4-debatt, 4 november.

102. Lundblad, S., Christianson, S.Å., & Engelberg, E. (2001). Remembering emotions experienced during psychotherapeutic treatment. International Journal of Psychotherapy, 6, 38-46.

103. Christianson, S.Å. (2002). Babymorden har en gemensam länk. Expressen, Sidan 4-debatt, 20 maj.

104. Bylin, S., & Christianson, S.Å. (2002). Characteristicts of malingered amnesia: Consequences of withholding vs. distorting information on later memory of a crime event. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 7, 45-61.

105. Engelberg, E., & Christianson, S.Å. (2002). Stress, trauma, and memory. In M. L. Eisen, J.A. Quas, & G.S. Goodman, (Eds.), Memory and suggestibility in the forensic interview (pp. 143-163). Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates Publishers.

106. Holmberg, U., & Christianson, S.Å. (2002). Murderers’ and sexual offenders’ experiences of police interrogation and their inclination to admit or deny crimes. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 20, 31-45.

107. Christianson, S.Å., Freij, I., & Edqvist, H. (2002). Defusing- och debriefingsamtal inom Polismyndigheten i Stockholms län. Rapport: Personalavdelningen, Polismyndigheten i Stockholms län.

108. Karlsson, I., & Christianson, S.Å. (2003). The phenomenology of traumatic experiences in police work. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 3, 419-438.

109. Christianson, S.Å. (2004). De som struntar i reglerna. Natur och Kultur Direkt, 4, 4-5.

110. Christianson, S.Å., & Merckelbach, H. (2004). Are homicide offenders who claim amnesia liars? In P.A. Granhag & L.A. Strömvall (Eds.). The detection of deception in forensic contexts (pp. 195-225). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

111. Christianson, S.Å., & Granhag, P.A. (2004). Hur ska ett vittne, ett offer och en misstänkt förhöras? [ How to interview witnesses, victis, and suspects]. Ingår i S.Å. Christianson & P.A. Granhag (Red.), Polispsykologi [Police Psychology] (ss. 217-234). Stockholm: Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur.

112. Christianson, S.Å., von Vogelsang, E., Merckelbach, H., Leander, L., & Granhag, P.A. (2004). Are amnesic offenders liars? International Journal of Psychology, 39, 43. 112 b. Holmberg, U., Karlsson, I., & Christianson, S.Å. (2004). Traumatic experiences in police work and consequences for interviewing victims and suspects. Manuscript.

113. Granhag, P.A., & Christianson, S.Å. (2004). Signalement och vittneskonfrontationer. [Winess descriptions and line-ups]. Ingår i S.Å. Christianson & P.A. Granhag (Red.), Polispsykologi [Police Psychology] (ss. 235-251). Stockholm: Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur.

114. Granhag, P.A. & Christianson, S.Å. (2004). Polisen och psykologin. [The police and psychology]. Ingår i S.Å. Christianson & P.A. Granhag (Red.), Polispsykologi [Police Psychology] (ss. 23-35). Stockholm: Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur.

115. Leander, L., Granhag, P.A., & Christianson, S.Å. (2004). What children remember and report about sexual abuse. International Journal of Psychology, 39, 80.

116. Lundin, J., Lehto, T., & Christianson, S.Å. (2004). ”Ska jag berätta vad jag känner?” – om debriefing. [Should I tell what I feel? About debriefing]. Ingår i S.Å. Christianson & P.A. Granhag (Red.), Polispsykologi [Police Psychology] (ss. 194-214). Stockholm: Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur.

117. Christianson, S.Å. (2005). Gärningsmäns minnen av grov brott. Ingår i P Hwang, I. Lundberg, J. Rönnberg, & A.-C. Smedler (Red.), Vår tids psykologi (ss. 439-441). Stockholm: Bokförlaget Natur och Kultur.

118. Christianson, S.Å., & Perris, P. (2005). Älskade barn blir inte våldtäktsmän. Expressen, Sidan 4-debatt, 6 oktober.

119. Leander, L., Granhag, P.A., & Christianson. S.Å. (2005). Children exposed to obscene phone calls: What they remember and tell. Child Abuse and Neglect, 29, 871-888.

120. Christianson, S.Å., Holmberg, U., & Svedin, C.G. (2006). ”Inkompetens och naivitet styr vår brottsbekämpning”. Dagens Nyheter, A 2, DN Debatt, 11 januari.

121. Christianson, S.Å., Merckelbach, H., & Koppelman, M. (2006). Crime-related amnesia. In Heaton-Armstrong, A., Shephard, E., Gudjonson, G., & Wolchover, D. (Eds.). Witness testimony: Psychological, investigative, and evidential perspectives (pp. 105-126). Oxford University Press.

122. Karlsson, I., & Christianson, S.Å. (2006). Police Officers involved in a manhunt of a mass murder: Memories and psychological responses. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 29, 524-540.

123. Christianson, S.Å., & Engelberg, E. (2006). Remembering emotional events: The relevance of memory for associated emotions. In B. Uttl, N. Ohta, & A.L. Siegenthaler (Eds.), Memory and Emotion: Interdisciplinary Perspectives (pp. 59-82). Blackwell Publishing.

124. Christianson, S.Å. (2007). ”Medier större fara för mord än vapen.” Expressen, Sidan 4-debatt, 22 april.

125. Christianson, S.Å., Engelberg, E., & Gustafson, Å. (2007). Recognition of previous eyewitness testimony from an altered interrogation protocol: Potential effects of distortions. Psychology, Crime & Law, 13, 583-589.

126. Christianson, S.Å. (2007). Preface. In Christianson, S.Å. (Ed.). Offenders’ memories of violent crimes. (pp. xv-xvii). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

127. Christianson, S.Å., Freij, I., & Von Vogelsang. (2007). Searching for offenders’ memories of violent crimes. In Christianson, S.Å. (Ed.). Offenders’ memories of violent crimes. (pp. 3-35). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

128. Holmberg, U., Christianson, S.Å., Wexler, D. (2007). Interviewing Offenders: A Therapeutic Jurisprudential Approach. In Christianson, S.Å. (Ed.). Offenders’ memories of violent crimes. (pp. 355-371). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

129. Leander, L., Christianson, S.Å., & Granhag, P.A. (2007). Children’s memories and reports: A sexual abuse case study. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 14, 120-129.

130. Leander, L., Christianson, S.Å., Svedin, C.G., & Granhag, P.A. (2007). Judges’, lay judges’ and police officers’ beliefs about factors affecting children’s testimony about sexual abuse. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 141, 341-358.

131. Merkelbach, H. & Christianson, S.Å. (2007). Amnesia as a form of malingering. In Christianson, S.Å. (Ed.). Offenders’ memories of violent crimes. (pp. 165-190). Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

132. Christianson, S.Å. (2008). Äkta och simulerad minnesförlust hos gärningsmän [Genuine and malingered amnesia among offenders]. In P.A. Granhag & S.Å. Christianson & (Eds.), Handbok i rättspsykologi [Handbook in legal psychology] (ss. 361-378). Stockholm: Liber.

133. Christianson, S.Å., & Granhag, P.A. (2008). Rättspsykologi – en introduktion [Forensic psychology – an introduction]. In P.A. Granhag & S.Å. Christianson & (Eds.), Handbok i rättspsykologi [Handbook in legal psychology] (ss. 15-34). Stockholm: Liber.

134. Christianson, S.Å., Granhag, P.A., & Hartwig, M. (2008). Gärningsmannaprofilering. [Offender profiling]. Ingår i P.A. Granhag, & S.Å. Christianson (Red), Handbok i Rättspsykologi. [Handbook in legal psychology] (ss. 231-253). Stockholm: Liber.

135. Christianson, S.Å., & Holmberg, U. (2008). Förhör och utredande intervjumetodik [Interogation and investigative intervieing]. In P.A. Granhag & S.Å. Christianson & (Eds.), Handbok i rättspsykologi [Handbook in legal psychology] (ss. 257-274). Stockholm: Liber.

136. Christianson, S.Å., & Montgomery, H. (2008). Kognition i ett rättspsykologiskt perspektiv [Cognition from a forensic-psychological perspective]. In P.A. Granhag & S.Å. Christianson (Eds.), Handbok i rättspsykologi [Handbook in legal psychology] (ss. 87-120. Stockholm: Liber.

137. Ask, K., Granhag, P.A., & Christianson, S.Å. (2008). Falska minnen och falska erkännanden [False memories and false confessions]. In P.A. Granhag & S.Å. Christianson & (Eds.), Handbok i rättspsykologi [Handbook in legal psychology] (ss. 343-360). Stockholm: Liber.

138. Granhag, P.A. & Christianson, S.Å. (2008). Vittneskonfrontationer [Lineups]. In P.A. Granhag & S.Å. Christianson & (Eds.), Handbok i rättspsykologi [Handbook in legal psychology] (ss. 275-290). Stockholm: Liber.

139. Hartwig, M., Christianson, S.Å., & Granhag, P.A. (2008). Förhör med misstänkta gärningsmän [Interviewing suspects of crime]. In P.A. Granhag & S.Å. Christianson (Eds.), Handbok i rättspsykologi [Handbook in legal psychology] (ss. 311-324). Stockholm: Liber.

140. Leander, L., & Christianson, S.Å. (2008). Barns minne och berättande [Childrens’ memories and reports]. In P.A. Granhag & S.Å. Christianson & (Eds.), Handbok i rättspsykologi [Handbook in legal psychology] (ss. 291-309). Stockholm: Liber.

141. Leander, L., Christianson, S.Å., & Granhag, P.A. (2008). Internet-initiated sexual abuse: Adolescent victims’ reports about on- and off-line sexual activities. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 22, 1260-1274.

142. Sandnabba, K., Christianson, S.Å., Granhag, P.A. (2008). Sexuella komponenter bakom brott [Sexual components triggering crimes]. In P.A. Granhag & S.Å. Christianson & (Eds.), Handbok i rättspsykologi [Handbook in legal psychology] (ss. 175-199). Stockholm: Liber.

143. Ahola, A., Christianson, S.Å., & Hellström, Å. (2009). Justice needs a blindfold: Effects of gender and attractiveness on prison sentences and attributions of personal characteristics in a judicial process. Psychiatry, Psychology, and Law, 16. 90-100.

144. Leander, L., Granhag, P.A. & Christianson, S.Å. (2009). Children’s reports of a verbal sexual abuse: Effects of police officers’ interviewing style. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 16, 340-354.

145. Ahola, A., Hellström, Å., & Christianson, S.Å. (2010). Is justice really blind? Effects of crime descriptions and defendant gender and appearance, and legal practitioners’ gender on sentences and defandant evaluations in a mock trial. Psychiatry, Psychology, and Law, 17, 304-324.

146. Christianson, S.Å. (2011). Kommentarer till debattartikel om minnespsykologiska teorier. Svensk Juristtidning, 96, 321-323.

147. Azad, A., & Christianson, S.Å. (2012). Barn och ungdomar minns och berättar detaljerat efter att ha bevittnat dödligt våld. Svensk Juristtidning, 97, 746-759. 1056.

148. Corovic, J., Christianson, S.Å., & Bergman, L.R. (2012). From crime scene actions in stranger rape to prediction of rapist type: Single victim or serial rapist? Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 30, 764-781.

149. Christianson, S.Å., Azad, A., Leander, L., & Selenius, H. (2013). Children as witnesses to homicidal violence: What they remember and report. Psychiatry, Psychology, and Law, 20, 366-383.

150. Christianson, S.Å., & Rogland, U. (2013). Skolan måste ta upp grooming. Svenska Dagbladet, Brännpunkt, 16 mars.

151. Azad, A., Christianson, S.Å., & Selenius, H. (2013). Barn och ungdomar minns och berättar detaljerat efter att ha bevittnat dödligt våld. Psychology, Crime & Law, 19, 1-23.

Deltagande i nationella och internationella konferenser

Participation in national and international conferences, and invitations as a key note speaker 1983-2003 (see abstracts/summaries).

The Swedish-British Seminar on Research and Research Supervision, Edinburgh, Scottland, May, 1983.

Colloquium, Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A., November, 1984.

Colloquium, Erindale Campus, University of Toronto, Mississauga, Canada, November, 1984.

Colloquium, Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, November, 1984. (a)

Colloquium, Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, November, 1984. (b)

The Scandinavian EEG meeting in Clinical Neurofysiology, Oslo, Norway, March, 1984.

The 26th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Boston, U.S.A., November, 1985.

Swedish Council for Planning and Coordination symposia; Biological, Psychological and Social Consequences of Brain Damage in Elderly, Umeå, Sweden, September, 1985.

The Third Nordic Meeting in Neuropsychology, Bergen, Norway, August, 1986.

The Third Conference on the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Irvine, U.S.A., October, 1987.

The 28th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Seattle, U.S.A., November, 1987.

Conference on Aversively Motivated Behavior, Umeå, Sweden, June, 1987.

Colloquium, Department of Neuropsychiatry, University of Washington, Seattle, U.S.A., March, 1989.

Colloquium, Department of Psychology, University of Kansas, U.S.A., March, 1989.

Colloquium, Regional Epilepsy Center, Harborview Hospital, Seattle, U.S.A., April, 1989.

Colloquium, Shoreline Community College, Seattle, U.S.A., April, 1989.

Colloquium, Department of Psychology, University of Washington, U.S.A., May, 1989.

Colloquium, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Harborview Medical Center, Seattle, U.S.A., June, 1989.

Second Nordic Meeting in Psychophysiology, Linköping, Sweden, September, 1989.

The 30th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Atlanta, U.S.A., November, 1989.

Invited speaker at the”Psykologia-90 kongressi”, Helsinki, Finland, January, 1990.

The Swedish Forensic Psychiatri Society meeting, Department of Forensic Psychiatry, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, January, 1990.

Emory Cognition Project: Conference on Affect and Flashbulb Memories, Emory University, Atlanta, U.S.A., February, 1990.

Colloquium, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, Canada, February, 1990.

Second Annual Convention, American Psychological Society, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A., June, 1990.

Third Annual Convention, American Psychological Society, Washington D.C. U.S.A., June, 1991.

NATO, Advanced Research Workshop on Autobiographical Memory, Grange-over-Sands, Cumbria, England, July, 1991.

The Fourth Nordic Neuropsychology Symposium, Espoo, Finland, August, 1991.

The Fifth Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Paris, France, September, 1992.

The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, St. Louis, U.S.A., November, 1992.

The 1st European Workshop on Epilepsy Surgery, Copenhagen, Denmark, April, 1993.

20th International Epilepsy Congress, Oslo, Norway, July, 1993.

Invited speaker at the workshop on ”Affective processes and psychological defense”, at the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, The Netherlands, 1993.

The Investigation of Child Sexual Abuse. International Conference at Sätra Bruk, Sweden, September, 1993.

Second Congress of The European Federation of Sexology, Copenhagen, Denmark, June, 1994.

The 6th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Society, Washington, DC, U.S.A., June 1994.

The Third Practical Aspects of Memory Conference, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, U.S.A., July, 1994.

The Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority’s Research Seminar, Stockholm, Sweden, September, 1994.

Symposium om Seksuelle overgrep mot barn, rettssikkerhet og rasjonalitet, Oslo, Norway, October, 1994.

IV European Congress of Psychology, Athens, Greece, July, 1995. 21 st International Epilepsy Congress, Sydney, Australia, September, 1995.

Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe Rechtspsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Brehmen, Deutschland, October, 1995.

Invited speaker at St Sigfrid conference on Treatment of Sexual Offenders, Växjö, Sweden, Nov 1996.

11th General Meeting of the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, Gmunden, Austria, Aug 1996.

Fifth European Congress of Psychology, Dublin, Ireland, July 1997.

7th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug 1997.

Key note speaker at the Konference om Seksuelle overgrep mot barn, ny forskning og metodikk i samarbeid og etterforskning, Oslo, Norge, Nov 1997.

Key note speaker at Nordisk Seminar om børnemishandling og omsorgssvigt, Køpenhamn, Danmark, May 1998.

24th International Congress of Applied Psychology, San Francisco, USA, July 1998.

1st International Conference on Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Winchester England, July 1998.

Key note speaker at the National Conference on Violent offenders, Växjö, Sweden, Sept 1998.

8th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Dublin, Ireland, July 1999.

Key note speaker, Kriminalvetenskapligt seminarium, Stockholm, Sverige, Feb 2000.

Key note speaker, 12th Nordic-Baltic Conference for Psychology Students, University of Oslo, Norway, October, 2000.

11th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Lissabon, Portugal, May, 2001.

Nordisk Seminar om Barnemishandling og Omsorgssvikt, Oslo, Norway, May, 2002.

Workshop at Nordisk Seminar om Barnemishandling og Omsorgssvikt, Oslo, Norway, May 2002.

12th European conference on Psychology and Law, Leuven, Belgium, Sept, 2002.

International symposium on deception, Gothenburg, Sweden, March, 2003.

Key note speaker at the 1st ESSAY Conference on Working with Sexually Abusive Youth: different countries, same issues. Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May, 2003.

13th European Conference on Psychology and Law, Edinburgh, Scotland, July, 2003.

[After 2003, I have ceased listing my conference presentations. Invited talks, and workshops made in China, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Japan, Norway, and Sweden.]